Photography for me doesn't end at just weddings or client photography. It's the true passion I have and what I need to be happy, driven, and to relieve stress. Even when I'm a bit anxious in busy season- the funny thing is that taking photos of my daughter is what helps me live in the moment and breathe.

Below is a two day series of June throughout our home and the mundane moments we can take for granted. Eating lunch, watching tv, and playing with her Buzz toy is everything that makes her- her.

At one point she was playing on the stairs and all I could see were her legs and toes - to me that's where the story is in an image. The little things can perfectly capture the beautiful stage of childhood and life in a child's eyes.

Honestly- if anyone wants me to come hang out and observe their kids for a few hours as you just do your normal thing, nothing would make me happier. Messy lunch times, playing with toys, and running around are those fleeting memories you can't get back.

With love,
